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A German Domestic Treadle Sewing Machine, Made in the 1910’s by Pfaff company

A American Industrial,Specialist Carpet sewing machine 1940’s by Singer company.

A British sewing machine for General use made in the 1910’s by Singer company.

The Blake stitching method is another popular construction technique used in the making of high-quality shoes

A British Industrial Other sewing machine for Heavy Duty use made in the 1920’s by Jones company.

History of the Woolsack and UK Wool trade The Woolsack is the seat of the Lord Speaker in the House of Lords Chamber. The Woolsack… Read More »The Wool Sack

Gates Museum Guide Museum-Guide

A British Industrial,Specialist Head Only sewing machine for Buttons use made in the 1910’s by Singer company.

A British Industrial Other sewing machine for Heavy Duty use made in the 1920’s by Jones company.

A British Industrial Other sewing machine for Heavy Duty use made in the 1900’s by Jones company.